[FC] Cables, cables, cables

Andrew Sego andrew_sego at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 12 08:41:53 EST 2012

Hi folks,

After swapping out the jets on my Corvan last night, I went to install the cross shaft onto them and found that the accelerator cable had broken right at the firewall.  I'm going to order a new one today.  A couple of months ago I r&r'd the gas tank so it could be cleaned and sealed.  I could see that the cable ran inboard of the frame rail next to the gas tank.  It looks like it will be a squeeze to get it replaced. 

When it got cold this winter I noticed the speedometer would make noise when it was cold in the morning, but would quiet down on the drive home in the warmer afternoon.  I tried to lube the cable but it didn't help much.  I disconnected the cable to prevent it from damaging the speedometer head.  I pulled the iner cable out a couple of inches to stop it from spinning.  At one point it fell back down and began spinning again.  I could hear the cause of the noise was the cable and not the speedometer.  

The front E brake cable is stretched or something because I can't get enough adjustment at the lever ahead of the "splitter" to make it work properly.  I think the front cable needs to be replaced, or at least shortened with one of those HELP brand things for doing just that.

So my question is since I need to replace all three cables that run next to the gas tank, does it need to be dropped to do so?  Any other advice?


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