[SCG] Assembly manual discrepancies

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Mon Nov 28 11:32:49 EST 2005

Got the below message from my buddy Mike McKeel over the weekend, and I
think it bears passing around. BTW, I'm a member of the H.H.Franklin
Club, and one of the comments I heard a number of years ago was that
what the Franklin engineers drew up wasn't always what the factory floor
built. They are lucky in that they have all the factory engineering
drawings for their cars, as some of them were specially built. Over the
years, they have discovered numerous instances where factory original
cars contradict those drawings.

Thus I wouldn't expect the Corvair to be totally true to the factory
documents, either. Such discrepancies that Mike alludes to are instances
that we have found over the years. Don't ask me to describe anything off
the top of my head, though.

-Mark Corbin

Hi there MARK
     Just cause it's in the assembly manual doesn't mean that it was put
together that way from the factory! We have found some "oops" over the

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