[SCG] SCG - ASCE at Buffalo Convention - Proposal PLEASE READ

kaczmarek at charter.net kaczmarek at charter.net
Wed Nov 30 11:09:43 EST 2005

Hi Bill

I feel your multiple solutions to the problems faced are on point. 

re:#8. You will soon see a full post from me regarding one of Buffalo's most famous comfort food after Chicken Wings, which is Pizza. 

   If the group agrees, I would be happy to lead a foray to a local pizzaria to furnish sheet pies at a reasonable price to feed members so inclined. 
   One of the places mentioned in my post is in my old neighborhood, was esablished and operated for over 20 years by one of my childhood pals, and I am also well aquainted with the present owner. 
   A short 15 minute or less drive to the hotel, and I would only require the services of one additional member to assist me in the pickup and delivery. Well worth the drive, and although Buffalo prices are more than reasonable, for a order of multiple sheet pizzas, we can probably get an additional break on the price.

Let me know what the consensus of the group is, and I will be happy to make the arrangements. 


> Subject: [SCG] SCG - ASCE at Buffalo Convention - Proposal PLEASE READ
>> 8) That block of time COULD be stretched to as late as 7:30 IF the SCG members want to forgo dinner (or maybe order in Pizzas?)

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