[SCG] Wanted: Ideas for future newsletters

Bill Hubbell whubbell at umich.edu
Fri Jul 20 22:04:29 EDT 2007

I hope you all enjoy this latest edition of our newsletter.  I apologize for
taking so long to get one out.  The biggest problem I have is that hardly
anybody sends me material.  Therefore, I am going to ask all of you to think
about what sort of things you would like to see in future editions.


Please e-mail me with your suggestions.  Consider some of the following
possible topics:


Running changes - examples of parts changes with discussion of when they
happened (to best of our knowledge) - Pictures wherever possible!


Detailed studies of a given year or model with photos, of course!


Decoding parts


SCG administration - status of research, database, etc.


Focus on an individual car of historic significance - especially as it
pertains to changes in the model line.





After I get some ideas, I will issue a call for pictures, articles, etc., so
be prepared to help bring the article to fruition.





Bill Hubbell

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