[SCG] [Corsabod] Factory Stock Corvair EntriesandStockPreservation Awardhistory in CORSA Concours 1997-2009

Stan East sgeast at interlog.com
Thu Sep 3 23:03:49 EDT 2009

tim mahler wrote:

What else can we do to encourage more street stock and Factory stock 
restorations?   The ASCE is an excellent start.

Tim - from start with the ASCE to part 2? Here's another idea...

Think about this one also. Many Senior Concours cars no longer compete. So
what do we do to encourage them to come out to conventions and display their
cars? My experience is these concours cars are used more to enjoy (drive)
and not compete after the owners have done concours a number of times.
Here's an idea from the Corvette people. They have a performance
verification. The cars which have been awarded the equivalent to our Seniors
are allowed, after a specified number of years of awards to participate in
showing how functional their vehicles are. Tests include acceleration and
braking runs (within legal limits) and test all the small mechanical
functions like does the door lock really lock and unlock the door correctly
etc. The owner participates in driving and showing al the functions.

To do this there have to be limits to the number of entrants each year (5 to
10 cars?) and the vehicle has to still be worthy of continuing in concours
(ignoring small amounts of road dirt from use)at the senior level. The car
is not allowed to enter Concours. There would be a need for manpower to run
the tests and scoring. There will be other issues to work out but would this
bring back some of the former concours cars?

Idea -Conscript some of the "racers" to measure the performance on the same
day as the concours and car display. The racers usually sit around in lawn
chairs this would mix racers and concours and get the racers using their
stop watches.

Stan East

-----Original Message-----
bounces at tiger.skiblack.com] On Behalf Of tim mahler

What else can we do to encourage more street stock and Factory stock 
restorations?   The ASCE is an excellent start.

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