[SCG] Cedar Rapids ASCE Event Chairman/organization Needed

Bill Hubbell whubbell at cox.net
Sat Mar 6 10:14:11 EST 2010

To all Stock Corvair Group members:


As most of you should know, one of the main goals of the SCG is to host an
Annual Stock Corvair Event/Evaluation (ASCE) at each Annual CORSA
International Convention.   The first such event was held at the Buffalo
convention in 2006, with subsequent events at Detroit (2007), and Los
Angeles (2008)


Unfortunately, although we were on the schedule for the Jacksonville
convention (2009) the event was not held due to a lack of planning on our
part.  I would like to remedy this situation for the upcoming 2010
convention at Cedar Rapids.


We ARE on the schedule to hold the ASCE concurrent with Concours
Classification on Monday, June 21st, from 1pm to 5pm.  So far as I know,
that is all that has been planned so far.


We MUST have at least one SCG member who will be in attendance at this event
who is willing to chair it.  It would be desirable to have a member who is
local to the Cedar Rapids area and/or a member of the hosting chapter, but
any chair is better than no chair at all.   I am seeking volunteers.  I
myself am not certain at this time that I will be there (although I am
hoping to be), but I and others on this list can certainly help in the


If we FAIL to pull this event off again this year we may very well be
written off in future years, so please let's not let this opportunity slip


So far as the event itself is concerned, the intent is to gather however
many cars and their owners together as may be interested for an informal
gathering and assessment of each other's cars, looking at them with an eye
towards pointing out those items which may not be factory stock, and
generally giving advice and encouragement to each other to help promote
interest in Stock Corvairs.  You do NOT need to be a stock "expert" to
attend or chair this event - you just need to be interested and willing to


We DO have "evaluation" forms, which I can provide in electronic form for
printing at the local level (submit the cost of printing to Mark Corbin, our
Treasurer, for reimbursement).  The forms are rather long and exhaustive; it
is not possible (nor intended) that you should be able to complete any one
of them at a single event, but rather that they serve as a useful tool for
gathering and compiling information.  It is our intent that the forms be
kept by the SCG for research purposes, but we usually provide the owner of
the car a copy of the form - that can either be done at the time of the ASCE
or the forms can be sent in to the Secretary or myself and we can arrange
the copying and sending to the owners.


We have always intended this to be a "fun" event - NOT a competition.  The
only "awards" we give are a recognition of participation and the owner's
satisfaction from knowledge gleaned.  We would like to get detailed digital
photos taken of all cars in the event and it would be nice to get a photo of
each owner with his/her car.


We usually try to set it up in a parking lot near the Concours
Classification so that we can interact with Larry Claypool and other
Classification judges if needed, but also to help recruit cars.  Larry will
usually direct a car of interest to the ASCE if he knows we are there.


The ASCE is open to ANYBODY - you don't have to be classified as "Factory
Stock" by Larry or any other such requirement.  Naturally, we would prefer
to be looking at fairly stock vehicles, and the ideal would be Factory
Original vehicles, but we want to make all feel welcome and even heavily
modified cars have stock features we can view and learn from.  However, it
would be nice to make a special appeal to get any car thought to be Original
or nearly so into the event, even (and especially!) an unrestored "beater",
as these cars often have the more interesting features.  


One of the main reasons for having the ASCE at the start of the convention
is to help identify cars of interest that we might wish to further study
during the course of the convention week, so please keep eyes peeled and
make notes!


There ARE several ongoing research projects and those who are doing them
should submit their research questions to the Event chair (or myself) so we
can be on the lookout for cars that might answer questions.


Please respond to me if you are interested in helping  with ASCE 2010 -
sooner is better!


Thank you


Bill Hubbell

SCG President


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