[SCG] Condenser Decal Reproduction project

Bill Hubbell whubbell at verizon.net
Sat Jul 4 16:46:41 EDT 2015

Using photos and information sent to me by Scott (Beamin?) and Bob Bauer,
and my own personal files I have made a Word File that fairly accurately
reproduces the Corvair early ('61-'65) Air Conditioning Condenser removal


The decal should measure 4.5 inches wide by 2.25 inches tall.


The larger letters ("Condenser Removal" and "Caution" have a height of
3/16"; all other letters have a height of 1/8"


>From the photos that have been sent to me it appears that the color of the
letters is white for '61-'64 and somewhat orange-yellow for '65.


Therefore, on the attached Word File I have included two versions of the
text - one with the orange-yellow color, the other white, with an as near to
life-sized photo of a '65 decal as possible centered between the two.  The
background color of the page is black.


I have come exceedingly close to matching the Font, spacing, etc.  I think
if we can print these on decal stock (white letters for '61-'64,
orange-yellow for '65) they will be nearly indistinguishable from the


I am attaching a PDF of the finished product instead of the Word Document as
it should be more readily opened by most people.


Please review them and give me YOUR opinions.




Bill Hubbell

President, SCG





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