[SCG] Condenser Decal Reproduction project

Dusty Steinberg noahsarkinc at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 4 17:34:05 EDT 2015

Looks good to me.  I don't remember if these were a water transfer decal, or like the oil filter "decal", which was white letters printed on a thin glued back piece of Mylar film.  I will check the condenser unit that I have, that still has parts of the original label still on it.  
Paul in CT

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bill Hubbell via SCG-list <scg-list at corvair.org>
>Sent: Jul 4, 2015 4:46 PM
>To: Stock Corvair Group <scg-list at corvair.org>
>Cc: clarks at corvair.com
>Subject: [SCG] Condenser Decal Reproduction project
>Using photos and information sent to me by Scott (Beamin?) and Bob Bauer,
>and my own personal files I have made a Word File that fairly accurately
>reproduces the Corvair early ('61-'65) Air Conditioning Condenser removal
>The decal should measure 4.5 inches wide by 2.25 inches tall.
>The larger letters ("Condenser Removal" and "Caution" have a height of
>3/16"; all other letters have a height of 1/8"
>From the photos that have been sent to me it appears that the color of the
>letters is white for '61-'64 and somewhat orange-yellow for '65.
>Therefore, on the attached Word File I have included two versions of the
>text - one with the orange-yellow color, the other white, with an as near to
>life-sized photo of a '65 decal as possible centered between the two.  The
>background color of the page is black.
>I have come exceedingly close to matching the Font, spacing, etc.  I think
>if we can print these on decal stock (white letters for '61-'64,
>orange-yellow for '65) they will be nearly indistinguishable from the
>I am attaching a PDF of the finished product instead of the Word Document as
>it should be more readily opened by most people.
>Please review them and give me YOUR opinions.
>Bill Hubbell
>President, SCG

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