[V8Vairs] re: Lakewood bellhousing

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Sat Oct 6 16:39:52 EDT 2007

In a message dated 10/6/2007 8:23:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
s10birdman1966 at yahoo.com writes:

..the guy at work finally brought it in,so it's one thing off the list of 
"parts to get"..the site doesn't show this one,tho,it's split ,upper/lower bolted 
together,has mount holes for ?55-57 or truck? maybe?,even came with the flat 
block plate..Tom..//

I remember that one! It was to be used as a bolt-in for the 55-57 Chevy. They 
used mounts on either side of the bellhousing with little cup mounts on the 
front of the block. Only 58 and on CHevy V8s had the three-bolt side mounts. 
(My first 5 cars were 55-56 Chevys - the last of which I blew - as in exploded - 
the clutch) - Seth

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