[V8Vairs] Who has the most recently started V-8 conversion?

Thomas, Robert R Civ USAF AFMC 76 PMXG/OBPE Robert.Thomas at tinker.af.mil
Fri Sep 10 11:58:45 EDT 2010

I began seriously a couple of years ago. It's a Crown with a SBC. I've
collected about all of the parts with great advice from Mike Levine. I'm
starting to assemble the parts into a car. It's going much slower than
I'd like but should accelerate now that my wife and I are alone with the

I'm using original Crown parts with no modern changes. I'm having enough
trouble getting things going without delays caused by innovation. Mike's
Crown car is a superb race car with Crown and Corvair parts and I hope
to build a similar, if slower and much less powerful, car.

Bob Thomas 68 Monza

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