<VV> radio speaker

larry@forman.net larry@forman.net
Fri, 02 Apr 2004 12:11:58 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 2 Apr 2004 10:49:23 -0600, "Williams, Rickie" wrote:
> I need advice on a radio speaker.  The 1966 Raffle Car.
> Thanks,
> Rickie Williams

Hi Rickie,
I found that a VERY reasonable alternative speaker is available for less than $10 at Radio Shack in a 6X9 inch format, with a very large
magnet.  So large that I needed to bend or cut the metal bracket below the speaker to get it to fit properly.  Not a big deal at all.  With
speakers, often the magnet makes the speaker, all other stuff being equal.  I think it is 8 ohms, which is close enough.  Use some good
speaker cloth in front (top) of it to keep out the pebbles and debris from rattling down in there.


Larry Forman