<VV> Re: Vent wing Delete / look

Louis C. Armer, Jr. carmerjr@mindspring.com
Mon, 05 Apr 2004 19:29:55 -0400

Hey Mark, One thing to consider if you are considering this possibility is
how the LM Corvair lines will accept a no vent window look. It's one thing
to see our racers without windows but quite another to see how the belt
line will look and if the roof line bright work is enough to give the smooth
look you desire. I have been told by many Chevelle, Camaro and Nova owners
that the LM Corvair look was/is the best of the "coke bottle" body styles.

Chuck Armer
At 12:47 PM 4/5/04 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone know of a vent wing delete kit for a LM? Is/was there a kit so 
>I have a solid window, or am I on my own on this one to make myself some 
>new glass and striping.

Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman