<VV> (VV) One Wire alternator -- Arjay

Arjay Morgan n3lkz@yahoo.com
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 14:30:24 -0700 (PDT)

Hi folks:
Yet another alternator question if you please

First though, I'd like to thank all who responded to
my query about where to find info on the gen. to
alternator conversion (tech guide and Bob Helt's
'Classic Corvair.

In Bob's Book (P. 278) he states you should use a
three-wire alternator and not one of the one-wire
jobbies and then there's the caveat to see a discusson
of one VS 3 wire alterntors. I can't find that

Notwithstanding, My alternator guy is equipping me
with a one wire alternator, swapping the Corvair fan
and pulley front end, sandblasting both the bracket
and the mounting casting all for $45. 

The question is, how to integrate it with the existing
regulator/wiring??  There gotta be a way, and someone
out there must have done it.

According to my alternator guy the one wire goes to
the battery. Period. The rest of the wires on the
existing and now unused regulator are just taped off,
removed, isolated, whatever and everything will be

I'm not so sure.

My main concern is how to insure the idito FAN/GEN
light still works.

Help, direction, counsel and advice is much
appreciated in advance. The mechanics I can handle,
but I sure would like to be able to hook up the wires
right first time.....I hate smoke and flames.

Arjay Morgan
64 Monza convert

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