<VV> RE: torque wrench

srmarti srmarti@netzero.net
Fri, 3 Dec 2004 17:57:27 -0500

Not knowing exacting how the calibrator is built or calibrated, I can't
comment on the accuracy.  I don't see how it's so complicated to check.
Clamp a socket in a vise and hang the wrench handle horizontally and hang a
weight off it.   Weight times handle length equals torque (close enough,
know I'm neglecting handle weight etc.) See if wrench torque indication

Steve Marti

> -----Origin
> The November issue of Auto Restorer magazine has an article on building
> a torque wrench tester using an old clutch slave cylinder and a guage.
> The author states that most of the clicker type wrenches he has tested
> with his home made tester were about 5-10 pounds off. He also says the
> wrenches are  easy to calibrate, once you find the screw in the handle
> that adjusts the spring tension.
> Marc Sheridan