<VV> Shrouds or No?

BobHelt@aol.com BobHelt@aol.com
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 18:44:03 EST

In a message dated 12/23/04 4:02:49 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
GYoungwolf@aol.com writes:

> I am getting ready to re-install a repaired 180 engine in a Corsa 
> convertible 
> for a gentleman in the southern tip of Florida. I am soliciting 
> opinions/experience on whether to re-install the thermostats and lower 
> shrouds? The stats 
> are shot, so I'm trying to save some money if it is a prudent decision. 
> Thanks,
> The Carbmeister
Just like our national politicians, we avert the question with a different 
answer and more questions.

So. Will the customer ever want to have a functional heater? Will he ever 
want a hot air defroster? Will he be getting "ON" the turbo much? Is he willing 
to accept a slightly greater engine wear?

These questions, and their answers, should give you some guidance.
Bob Helt