<VV> a Corvair Question

PatioMatt@aol.com PatioMatt@aol.com
Sat, 7 Feb 2004 23:37:55 EST

In a message dated 2/7/04 2:50:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
kaczmarek@charter.net writes:
> I hate to ask another of "them thar Corvaira" questions, but I am at an
> impasse....................snipperooooo

GEEEEEEZ!!   if you remember my post of  11/23/99, you'd have the 
answer...but then you said it was a "jackleg"  way of doing things [ in my "ImmortalVair" 
] although I drove the junkyard engine for 13k  before DRIVING it into my 
garage to pull the engine...[ with the one 110 head with a Thermister sticking 
through #5  combustion chamber!]  gggggggg

So...do as Tony says........you respect him don't you??? LOL!!

And by the way......you mean you didn't notice this when you changed the  

Me thinks...too many "Smart Alec Ale's" whilst wrenching!!

no engines in pieces
no garages full of feces
no problems abound
in warm "Ultra Town"

Matt Nall