<VV> Re: Damper Doors

vairologist@juno.com vairologist@juno.com
Sun, 4 Jul 2004 23:12:56 -0400

> From: "Steve Spessard" <spesss@qtm.net>
 During the replacement of the exhaust manifold logs on my 65' Corsa, 
> I forgot to reference the shop manual prior to removing the shrouds
with the 
> damper doors on them. I bent the tab up and pushed out the pivot pin
> the doors before removing the clip on the end of the rod. One of these
> broke off.
Smitty says:  I have tack welded them back on but I wouldn't think it
would be too big a deal to stick a replacement on with a sheet metal
screw.  Plenty of metal thickness for that or a tapped hole for a
threaded fastner.