<VV> Re: Michelins on brand new '64?

JohnB10968@aol.com JohnB10968@aol.com
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 14:29:51 EDT

Told dealer I wanted Michelins on car when it was delivered.  He got them 
from local truck tire dealer who had to order them special as no one in area 
carried Michelin X passenger car tires.  They worked well on Corvair - did not 
have white walls and I was constantly asked by people why my Corvair came without 
whitewalls.  My memory is a little fuzzy on this, but I think that they were 
not tubeless - had to use innner tubes in them also.  I may be wrong on that.  
I do know the Michelin X's on my MGA had to use tubes.

John B.  '64 Monza