[Fwd: <VV> Re:ALERT] Starter Fluid

Eric S. Eberhard flash@vicspdi.com
Fri, 23 Jul 2004 15:48:31 -0700

I think it is better and probably safer (or at least as safe) to use 
starting fluid as anything else.  Remember --> starting fluid is DESIGNED 
to be sprayed in the engine compartment over a hot engine!!!!!  And the 
designers know full well it will spray all over. Anything else you suggest 
is NOT so designed and using a product for something it was designed for 
often has more risks than using the one that is designed for the task ... 
even if there are known possible dangers.  Starting fluid is designed to 
evaporate instantly and not leave residual dangers.

For exercise ... take a can of starting fluid and start spraying ... then 
hold a lighter up to it (a large flame will shoot out).  The take your 
finger off the sprayer.  Flame goes out.  Starting fluid is not at 
dangerous for that purpose as you suggest.  In fact, it is in my mind much 
safer than various petroleum products I have seen people use.  The starting 
fluid evaporates instantly with no residual to burn.  Many of these other 
product puddle and stay awhile (not to mention the mess).

Just my opinion, but I am sticking to starter fluid!

At 11:21 AM 7/23/2004, kaczmarek@charter.net wrote:
> >
> > From: "Louis C. Armer, Jr." <carmerjr@mindspring.com>
> > Date: 2004/07/23 Fri PM 05:50:30 GMT
> > To: chris czepyha <thegeek2@juno.com>
> > CC: virtualvairs@corvair.org
> > Subject: <VV> Re:ALERT
> >
>Seafoam Deep Creep penetrant is petroleum based, and can be used for 
>starting fluid..but it won't blow up like ether will...
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Eric S. Eberhard
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