<VV> Dream engine... astro 1

Tony Underwood tonyu@roava.net
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 11:17:49 -0700

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At 10:21 hours 07/28/2004 -0500, joe@crownspecialtymouldings wrote:
>hands down.. a modern computer controlled direct injection version of the
>engine designed for the astro 1,
>oh my ... i do believe im a bit faint...
>anyone have any clues if some of these are still around, in case i win the

According to scuttlebutt, *one* of these engines is supposed to have
escaped the scrappers  but that was a long time ago and nothing that's
likely to surface anytime soon even if it did still exist today, what with
its having been effectively stolen off GM property via an "inside job"
while waiting to be recycled following the cancellation of the project.      

I for one would LOVE to turn this engine up if indeed it still exists.
Then again, there may be the possibility that another similar engine might
well be sitting in a warehouse covered with a dusty tarp along with a
number of other exotic prototype powerplants.    It would be an interesting
experience to have run of the place to wander around and see what the
General has stashed away...    
