<VV> Fuel pump noise

Sam & Marissa Andolino mandolin@rochester.rr.com
Tue, 8 Jun 2004 05:25:32 -0400

Hi everyone
I put in a new fuel pump and spring in my turbo about 2 weeks ago and it
just started to make a clanking noise.  Took the car out last night for a
test run . Was working fine until I tried to go on a express way the car
stared to sputter then died.  There is a smell of gas now.  Can anyone tell
me what could be wrong?  I have another pump but would like to find out if
there could be something else wrong before I put another pump.  It is 600
miles to the convention for us and I don't want to break down again.
Thanks in advance
Sam and Marissa Andolino
66 Turbo