<VV> Shifter shaft still leaking.

Harold Eigenman harold@kepnet.net
Tue, 15 Jun 2004 17:22:46 -0600

I noticed the shifter-shaft seal was leaking on my 63 4-spd., so when I
dropped the powertrain last week I replaced the seal with a new one from

It's still leaking.  If you have any ideas what to try next, please let me

Michael Smith

Hi Michael,

A seal can only retain the gear lube if the shift shaft is running on center
all the time. The reverse shift lockout spring exerts a side pressure to the
shift shaft and wears the tranmission case hole slightly out of round. The
shaft is much harder material so usually shows no wear. As a result of this
the seal will allow some of the gear lube to leak on the side that has least
amount of pressure on the shaft.  The shaft can be removed and the case hole
bored out with a 5/8" drill, best done in a drill press, stuff rags in the
case to catch the chips, then press in a bushing from the commutator end of a
Corvair starter which is a prefect fit. Nice of GM to think of a dual purpose
for this bushing. This operation works great but must be done with the tranny
out of the car so the hole is drilled perfectly straight in the case.......

Another sugestion is to take the spring out of the seal,(new seal) separate it
at the joint, shorten it about 1/8" on the large open end, spiral it back into
a circle, reinstall it in the seal. This will give it more tension around the
shaft when installed. This works fine for a while but bushing the case is
Have fun,