<VV> Powerglide Again

Keith Hammett khammett@stainlessfab.com
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 08:20:11 -0600

Joy, Glad to have you as a member.  Since you will have the car up on stands
you can join Group Red.  The web site to join is
www.wittelaw.com/personal.... (GGG)

Did I understand you correctly that when you put the engine back in you
should have installed the TC on the input shaft first, and bolted to flex
plate after the engine is in place?  I take it that this means that when you
pulled the engine the input shaft came out with the TC.  My concern is that
I will have problems when putting my powertrain back together as my input
shaft came out with the TC, I don't want to have problems as you have
described.  Is it easy to slip the front pump out of position?  How can one
test to see if it is in place (without taking the front off the PG).

A positive note on the PG's is that they seem to last forever as long as
they stay cool.  There is a nice article in the March Communique on this.

Keith Hammett