<VV> Corvairs for Sale-new discovery

Donald Manen donmanen@yahoo.com
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 12:20:37 -0800 (PST)

Cedar Park, Texas- W of Austin- private collector has
approx 15 cars- convts/coupes--- earlies & lates--
five vans (including one eight door) and one Ultra
(whale)with a low milage 40K  140 engine (per
owner)--all in various stages of dis-repair- some
parts cars also  -he also has five or six Nash
Metropolitans if anyone is old enough to remember
those- and a Henry J.   ph 512-258-3344 
johncats5@netzero.net  he welcomes all calls- nice guy
(even though he is a Yankee from one of those little
states around those big lakes up yonder!!!!)  This is
NOT the Junque Yarde visited during the last Heart of
Texas in case you Texas guys wuz wunderin.

Under the X in TeXas

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