<VV> Corvair speech & other things

MarPack57@aol.com MarPack57@aol.com
Tue, 4 May 2004 23:20:46 EDT

Well tonight at the local antique car club meeting I presented my pitch on 
the facts and myths re Corvairs. I started off by asking if anyone in the room 
(60+ people) if they had ever owned a Corvair, ever drove one or even ever sat 
in one. Better then half raised their hands! That's a lot better then our 
local Corvair club meeting. Hit the highlights, showed a GM film that had the 
Holden in it, and answered some questions. Everyone was amazed at the facts about 
the Corvair and in fact a fellow came up to me that has a 61 Brier that might 
be for sale. Was a lot of fun.
    Now I have mucho issues of the Communique but they are not in great 
order. Can anyone tell me what issue or issues would have articles on very early 
60's.Their differences etc. Thanks.
   Ed in Florida.