<VV> Re: Deadly Vairs

Keith Hammett khammett@stainlessfab.com
Tue, 18 May 2004 13:34:46 -0500

As a former Motor Vehicle Inspector I can say that it really doesn't matter
what the interval is.  Those that want to drive with bad brakes, tires,
groaning suspension, or leaky exhaust will find the "friend" that will just
write the inspection up.  I used to get it all the time, "come on and pass
it I will fix it later....".  I always inspect mine before taking it to the
inspection station, you can do the same just stop by your local DMV/HP and
ask for the inspection handbook.

As for deadly vairs goes, yes the engine can drop out of the car with a
broken motor mount, or loose bolt (EM as LM's have a catch system).  With
+/- forty years this is likely to happen more often unless preventative
maintance is performed.  We have regular reminders on brake lines on this
forum but little on the motor mounts.  On an early/fc you need to check the
condition of the rubber and also the bolt/nut and cotter pin, on a LM you
can easily tell a worn rear mount by looking at the rubber.  On the LM if
the rubber center is closer to the ground than the ends then replace with a
rebuilt or a new modified unit that is available (this check works for on
car only).  Corvair Basics has a description on the LM mounts and how to
identify a bad one when out of the car, it is on pg's 179 & 180.

Keith Hammett

-----Original Message-----

The most dangerous thing RI has done in a while is changed the inspection
interval from 1 year to 2 (they added emissions).  Inspection laws are to
try to keep honest the person who would willingly drive a car with bad
brakes, tires, groaning supension components because the inspection isn't
due yet.
