<VV> Virginia Strikes Again (long)

Bill Elliott Bill Elliott" <Corvair@fnader.com
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 13:50:36 -0500

  He failed it for the rear shocks
>being shimmed between the lower forks and the control arm in order to
>limit down travel and axle jacking.  (Only enough to meet design specs). 
>This was identified as a modification to the suspension.

I'm curious how this was a "fail". As long as it was safe and secure, I would not think a deviation from original spec could be a failure item. Sure are a lot of 
lowered cars running around VA with inspection stickers.

In his defense... the first time I pulled a brake drum off an early... well... I resorted to using a puller. You should have seen the brake drum afterwards. 
Embarassing... but at the time I had never seen a car where you couldn't pop a drum off.... but a pro should know better.

>        Why do you care?  You might be the next victim of a blind
>ignorant bureaucracy.  Be on guard

We discuss this sort of thing over on VV-talk.  Can't do it here and possibly offend those in favor of a blind ignorant bureaucracy! (VBG)
