<VV> FS 95 Seville SLS Northstar 32V (humor?)

Louis C. Armer, Jr. carmerjr@mindspring.com
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 13:15:33 -0400

Hey Mike, If it "was" a Cream Puff...............what is it now??? <GGG>

da Chuckster
Chuck Armer


  At 10:41 AM 10/11/04 -0400, you wrote:

>This was a cream puff my family gave to my father, who at 80 still wants 
>to do his own maintenance.  After six months we realized he needed 
>something simpler like a Crown Vic.  So we swapped him out and now have 
>this one up for sale.
>Michael Smith


Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman