<VV> She's not croaking but she coughs

UltraMonzaWest@aol.com UltraMonzaWest@aol.com
Sun, 24 Oct 2004 18:42:34 EDT

In a message dated 10/24/2004 3:17:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
media_diva@sbcglobal.net writes:

>  Now on to the question can the inner workings of the fuel pump be replaced 
> or should I just get a new pump?  Could the cover not being on tight enough 
> allow it to leak?  Can someone give me several grand to get this car 
> operational?  Hey Christmas is coming up car parts are on my list along with money 
> and help... anybody in the giving spirit?
>  My car and I are slowly becoming one.
> Alesia


Yes!  a loose cover will let the diaphragms leak / suck air.

Test it before installing next time.....if it still doesn't work..get  a new 
one......no repair parts available

$29  at most vendors..if you get from local FLAPS....look at the rubber from 
the side...it better have threads in it [ re-inforced]  otherwise will fail 


PS....it doesn't take $$  to make a Vair run..if you need a few 
Grand.....think about buying a better one....

Just heard of a 65 Corsa 140 / dropped valveseat.....nice car..daily 