<VV> Cylinder head torque sequence.

Macdonald David dmacd_us@yahoo.com
Mon, 6 Sep 2004 09:21:51 -0700 (PDT)

I'm about the torque down the heads on the '65 140
engine and I recall reading somewhere not to use the
sequence listed in the service manual but I can't find
any other sequence in the Corsa tech guide or find one
using google. Can some one point me the right

Also, I've used anti-seize on the threads so I'm
planning on reducing the torque value to 26 ft-lbs.
This is 75% of the recommended 32 ft-lbs. Any advice
on this?

Thanks in advance

'65 Corsa 140 off the road since '74
Gonna be driving it soon!

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