<VV> moaning

James Davis jld@wk.net
Sun Feb 6 20:11:58 EST 2005

To those of us who worked with B-57's and F-105 that sound is very 
evocative.  GM fix (in a tech bulletin) was to drill a 1/8 inch hole in the 
exhaust pipe just past the upper clamp.  By-the-way the moan goes away as 
soon as the exhaust heats up.
Jim Davis

At 01:57 AM 2/6/2005, Dave Ziegler wrote:
>I hate to interrupt this FASCINATING discussion on the Communique and/or 
>the techni-color pushrod tubes but I have a real Corvair question. I just 
>finished installing a NOS gasoline heater in my 1961 coupe. Everything 
>works fine except whenever the burner comes on there is a moaning sound. 
>Anyone know why? or better yet the cure? Kinda sounds like Docs 
>girlfriend  ggggggggggg
>Thanks, Dave.. .

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