<VV> Synthetic Rambling...AMSOIL at your FLAPS (no Corvair..really)

Tim Verthein minoxphotographer at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 4 07:47:40 EDT 2005

Amsoil HAS BEEN available RETAIL in STORES for over 20 years.  That's
about when the dealer I got it from told me "You know, you can just
pick this up at NAPA now".  So I do. It may not be in every store on
Earth, just as many products are available at varying outlets..not
everyone carries everything.  But, yes, I can say for certain, with
100% accuracy that you CAN buy it retail, just like Valvoline, Castrol,
or any other product. Maybe I'll stop at Bumper to Bumper today and
tell 'em they really don't have that BIG Amsoil display in their STORE!
NAPA will be really embarassed to find out they don't have it on their
shelf either....

Bob....I love ya man, but Amsoil has been retail for many years.

Tim in Bovey...and at work on a holiday..phooey

"And I believe Bob Helt is correct, you can only buy Amsoil from a 
Most of the dealers keep no inventory in their homes, they just process

orders for you and the stuff is shipped from the company."

Stupidity is like nuclear power, it can be used for good or evil. 
But you still don't want to get any on you.

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