corvairs lonwall at corvairunderground.com
Tue Mar 1 17:00:52 EST 2005

With all this talk about the kiosk I thought I would actually go over to 
Bld 3 and open it up and look at it!  The plastic "suitcase" it's 
contained in is approx 54" long, 28" wide and 10" thick. Didn't weight 
it but I would guess 60-80 lbs.  Opened it up and looked inside. Didn't 
take anything out so I might have the wrong impression, but seemed 
awfully simple and basic for $1500.00 but then, this kind of stuff 
usually is overpriced.

Yes it can be shipped although it would go as a level #3 oversize and 
with insurance would cost about $50-100 each time it was shipped. But 
shipping isn't the whole story. It has to be stored before and after use 
and has to set up, torn down and transported each time. Now these are 
NOT insurmountable obstacles, but  volunteers need to step forward.  
NOTE - I have received several "tentative" offers to use the display 
before Portland. The display will go where Corsa directs it to go, so 
the offers should be made through Harry or Mike and they will let me 
know. I would advise, however that it be back here well in time for 
Portland as I think that was Corsa's intention. Lon

PORTLAND IN JULY!!! www.corsaoregon.com

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