<VV> awake from winter slumber

John Headley robedinpurple at yahoo.com
Sun May 1 21:05:05 EDT 2005

Hello all,

Just had to share my vair day.  Got the new fuel tank
strapped up in my 64 vert the other day, had been
waiting for months to get this done, wife in school
with a baby = no time.  Today, I finished up the
connections, put the sway bar back, and fired her up
for the first time this year.  A wash and vacuum job
later, and I was cruisin!

Had a funny experience with the fuel line, was
installing the rubber line from the tank to the metal
line, but the metal line felt like it was not very
rigid.  I was afraid I'd cracked it, so I pulled the
tunnel cover.  P.O. used rubber line down the length
of the car and just left the metal line coming out of
the tunnel to near the fuel tank joint.  This guy did
some real half-a@# work.

On the power top front, I was having problems earlier
this year with my pump.  I installed new cylinders and
lines, but the top kept stopping multiple times on the
way up and down, like the motor was cutting out. 
Today, however, with warmer temps, the top operated
without a hitch.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed on
this one.

Fun to be back out and driving again.  I see future
projects ahead.  My front crossmember looks pretty
ratty, lots of chunks of rust flaking down on me for
the fuel tank project.  I see a replacement part from
the southwest in my future (coupled with a front
suspension rebuild).  Also, a shifter kit and a new
exhaust will be in the plans.  For now, just driving
it again is great!

-John Headley
64 monza convert
Royal Oak, MI

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