<VV> Gradual movement (humor?)

Louis C. Armer, Jr. carmerjr at mindspring.com
Mon May 9 23:51:28 EDT 2005

If GM had offered "Dynaflow" trannys for Corvairs we could have had WolfMan 
rebuilding Corvair carbs
with "double" triple downdraft carbs and they would have been called 
............WolfWhistles for that
"Howling" tire performance. <GGG>

At 04:15 PM 5/9/05 -0400, you wrote:
>         Maybe.  I did work on marine engines as a college kid.  Most
>carbs I did work on had no need for accel pumps because throttle
>movement is gradual (they're levers) and you don't "mess around" with
>the throttle(s) once you get to a plane.  (pedals are only for race
>Jim Duane
>'66 180 Corsa CVT
>Colonial Corvairs

Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman

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