<VV> And another thing...

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Fri May 13 10:50:15 EDT 2005

Also just checked the museum page on the CORSA site. Putting the cursor
on any of the pictures makes a larger picture pop up below and to the
right, along with a description below it. Problem is, you'd need two
cursors, one to hold on the picture so the description appears, and
another to scroll the page down so you could read it. Since you can't do
both at the same time, the page is an almost total waste. And there's no
forward button directly to the Ypsi museum (I was going to check their
webpage, and can't seem to find it.) Damn!

And the popout menu bar on all the pages is right next to the browser's
scroll button, which is the height of inconvenience. You have to circle
AROUND the menu bar in order to reach the scroll-down button, or the
thing infuriatingly pops out menus at you. ARGGGGGGG!!!!

Like I said, the "new" webpage is trash, IMHO. I hate it!


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