<VV> More ????? from the Great White North

Tom Wright tomsmail at sympatico.ca
Sun May 15 22:04:02 EDT 2005

The closer I get to assembling the 66, the more I don't know.

I don't know how much wear is on the two 'nut' things in the differential that the yokes bolt to. The pinion gear pin doesn't look too bad, but I had ordered a new one in the multi kit. I got one for an early (horrors), so I order again or use what I have. There is some play between the nut and the pin, but I still see a slight chamfer on the nut, so I don't think it's too worn, it just looks like it has a few miles on it. Clark's is out of stock, so the used ones are looking good. Any way to tell how much is too much, or am I too worried about the small stuff?

The original strut to A arms has a stamped piece with the bolts through it. I don't know what that is for, and assume it is not required on the replacements.

I am working on both ends of the car and will eventually meet in the middle. Just don't know when.

Tom Wright
66 Corsa 140
Corsa Ontario

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