<VV> Stolen Corvair recovered

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Mon May 23 17:23:29 EDT 2005

At 08:44 hours 05/23/2005, Bill Elliott wrote:

>Current case law gives you the right of self-defense ONLY when your life 
>(or someone else's life) is threatened, NOT when you are "merely" 
>protecting property. (For the logical evolution of this line of thought, 
>check out the UK citizen who shot armed thiefs IN HIS HOME and went to 
>jail for a far longer period than the criminals for using "unauthorized 
>force".) I understand that even the police are not authorized to use 
>deadly force if ONLY property is endangered. So Tony, think twice about 
>slapping that perp with a rock unless he's in your house...
>Bill Elliott

I'll still fling the rock (I pitched for a park baseball team as a kid so I 
should be able to pop him if he's still close by) and if I managed to knock 
him cold,  I'd borrow the SOB's wallet and drivers license, get his 
address.   Later after all was said and done, and things had settled, I'd 
go visit...  ;)   ...even if the outcome was in my favor, which in this day 
and age is not a guarantee even if you have witnesses.

I appreciate my Vairs, even the fugly '60 4-door.   No clue why anyone 
would ever target it for theft though, so I'm unlikely to ever have to 
defend it against theft.

I don't much care for a thief.    Dumb way to make a living.


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