Fwd: <VV> FC Steering Box Info.

HallGrenn at aol.com HallGrenn at aol.com
Tue May 24 13:21:38 EDT 2005

In a message dated 5/24/2005 11:16:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
greenbriergoon at yahoo.com writes:
Also, the previous owner sprayed primer all over the column and the column 
support.  What was the original color of these parts?

The color, at least through '64, was Chevy gray.  The same color as used on 
most trucks.  It is a sort of medium gray.  Because it is a Chevrolet color, 
you can find it at various vendors that sell paint for old Chevys.  I haven't 
purchased any since the early nineties, but I bought the last from a local body 
shop that got it in a couple of days.

Bob Hall
Group Corvair

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