<VV> "Buttercup" Retired, Long live the Queen

Louis C. Armer, Jr. carmerjr at mindspring.com
Thu May 26 19:43:44 EDT 2005

Dear Friends, It is with mixed feelings I report the sale and retirement
of my 1976 Cadillac Coupe deVille. "Buttercup" has served as my tow
vehicle since the summer of 1998 and has towed faithfully and effortlessly
for over 23,000 miles. She will be missed by Liz and I but she was bought
by a young man who was just as excited as I was when I found her for sale
on Main Street in Tucker, Georgia. My new tow vehicle is a 2003 GMC Envoy XL.
It is very black and will make an appropriate tow vehicle for "Darth Vair". 
And of
course you ask if I have named it and I have....................are you 
ready .........
"Darth Voy" !!! <GGG>

May The Force be with you
May The Force be at your rear

da Chuckster


Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman

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