<VV> Archiving posts

Chuck Kubin dreamwoodck at yahoo.com
Fri May 27 12:11:00 EDT 2005

I say pull the weeds. While I agree the non-Corvair content reflects the "character" of the site, it doesn't add to the mission of an archive. Of course, someone will later want to see what's been said about a Corvair-related topic, or general maintenance issues like paint, welding, rust treatment, restoring gas tanks and the like.

 On the other hand, anyone who's interested in what's been said about off-topic subjects or humor has already seen it.  I doubt a new member will need to research the history of comedy on the site or be interested in who threw a fanbelt on a particular road trip.

The press-to-test should be this: now that the thread has run its course, who cares to see it again?

Chuck Kubin

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