<VV> More brake woes

Chris C ricorvair at cox.net
Sun May 29 16:42:34 EDT 2005

Ok pttty party.  WAAAAA.

65 monza 110

Originally the brakes were very soft.  Bleed the fluid....like I have done 
every year for 7 years.  Jam the brakes only 1 wheel grabs.

Brake 1 stem, split another cyl.

Replaced 2 wheel cyl..

Wife makes me buy all 4.   New no rebuild kits.

LR was not going to be replaced, it seemed to be pumping up.  Removed the 
wheel to copy the shoes/ebrake cable.  Found a massive fluid leak, none was 
getting on the tires.  1 bolt brakes of in they cyl.  Replace it, the 
lines, cyl and shoes.

Bleed the line with the mityvac I just got.  Pump the brakes to see how 
they feel.   Damn, did not put the drum on.  Swear some more,.  Take shoes 
off, remove wheel cyl, and re-assemble.  Swearing all the way.

Much fussing and swearing get the shoes back on, everything seems ok.  Drum 
won't go on.  Sand new shoes lightly, goes on barely.

Take for a test drive, still soft.  But two wheel skid now.

..thought the 4th one was ok, since it was the only one that seemed to pump 
up with the mityvac.

Now I hear sucttion comming from the wheel cyl.  Will replace that one next.

First good weekend and 1 car is still locked in storage.  Another sold 
waiting pickup.

Only vair left is in the midst of brake repair.

Now the questions

If I replace one line and hose.  Should its mate be replaced.  How about 
the rest.

If I replace 1 sides pads (the other have plenty of meat, just not the 
same.  Should I replace the other.

I have all 4 and all 4 shoes.   Just aggrivated and getting lazy.

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