<VV> Survey: Longest trip in a Corvair?

Bill Hubbell whubbell at cox.net
Mon May 30 18:24:04 EDT 2005

About 3600 miles, round trip from Michigan to Yellowstone, Utah, Colorado, 
etc., in "Jenny", the '65 Corvair 4-door, with my brother Bob, back in 1976. 
Broke a door hinge at a gas station in South Dakota (replaced with a part 
from a junkyard in Rapid City), failed oil pressure gauge, ammeter, head 
temp gauges (all cheap JC Whitney), broke the speedometer cable and ripped 
off the fuel gauge sending wire going over Beartooth pass (first day it 
opened - no chains on the car).  Arrived at Yellowstone with the Monza clock 
as only working instrument!  In Utah lost all power at night on lonely 
desert road -- turned out to be a loose battery cable.

The trunk, the folded down back seat and an attached car top carrier covered 
with a blue and yellow canvas tarp were all filled to the brim with our 
camping gear, clothes, etc.  We camped the whole trip - sometimes just slept 
outside the car on the ground, under the stars.  Visited the Badlands, Mt. 
Rushmore, Yellowstone, Tetons, Several National Parks in Utah, toured the 
Coors Brewery in Golden Colorado --- all the time while listening to Rock & 
Roll and Country music on a car-powered portable stereo and a couple of 
smaller floor speakers stuck in the back seat.

Overall, one of the best trips of my life!!!!!

Bill Hubbell

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