<VV> Lifter removal and a sticky valve.

Cash Case cash.case at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 20 13:46:01 EST 2005

110 motor-

Well, I removed and replaced all the lifters. One lifter appeared to  
be frozen. I had to open the bottom of the motor to get it out. New  
lifters all the way around.

I posted a couple of weeks ago about the crankshaft not spinning all  
the way around. And that after I took the heads off the problem  
disappeared. It turned out to be a sticky valve. I took a rubber  
mallet and tapped the top of each valve at the spring end. Each one  
had a clean clear ringing sound as I hit them except for one. A dull  
thunk was all I heard and when I hit it a few more times I could see  
that it was just staying open after I hit it. I went after it with  
some wd40 until it moved freely. I buttoned everything back up and  
now the crank spins all the way around with not interference at all.


Cash Case, Art guy -
Home phone: 972-444-8531
Cell phone: 214-280-8998

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