<VV> Dry and burning grass

Jeff Clark markii56 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 9 20:41:32 EDT 2006

As the treasurer of this imminent clambake, it's
incumbent upon me to control costs wherever and
whenever possible.  So, having to hire a fleet of
water tankers to water down that field as a
preventative fire-safety measure is not something I
relish.  Then it dawned on me: with all the beer that
will be consumed at the previous days tech session for
concours (not to mention the valve-cover races the
evening before), I could get all the male CORSA
members to help me in "watering" that grass early
Wednesday, and it won't cost the convention one red
cent!  Talk about "recycling!"

Jeff "save-a-buck-any-way-I-can" Clark, Treasurer
2006 Convention Committee

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