<VV> Young members

aeroned at aol.com aeroned at aol.com
Thu Aug 10 14:32:00 EDT 2006

Ron said:
 How am I going to learn 
Corvairs? How are new to Corvair people going to learn if they don't get 
thier hands dirty and mess a few things up?
Well said Ron!!
That is the whole idea behind our club Tunas (or is that Tuna club?). We could work on a club car but I think it's better to work on our cars. In the Tuna setting there are plenty of knowledgable mechanics around to help the less experienced get the experience. They also provide real time "advice" to the other experience mechanics (I guess you could do it that way...). I have seen a couple guys go from student to teacher. The result is nice driving Corvairs and more Corvairs at our club meetings.
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