<VV> Corsa/CPF - "Donations" - Long - but worth reading

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Sat Aug 11 02:38:05 EDT 2007

The  following is from my 2004 - Directors turn at the wheel column in the  
 CPF  and Corsa have always had a strange relationship, and probably always 
will. I  have viewed it kind of a marriage. Like a marriage, both partners rely 
on each  other for many things, but also have to maintain their own identity. 
My view is  that CPF is more “Corvair Car” oriented and Corsa is more “
Corvair People”  oriented. In reality, the Corvair Car will live on well past the 
lifetime of any  Corsa member alive today. (Strange thought, eh?) That is why 
the focus of CPF  must be the transference of Corvair knowledge from Corvair 
people to an entity  that will outlive them. That entity is CPF. The Corvair “
Society” of America  is really about the “Society”. The awards given out at our 
international  Conventions are really given out to the 
owners/preparers/drivers that are  attending. Yes, it is a Corvair that they use to express their 
preparation or  driving skills, but it is the person’s effort that is being 
rewarded. Of course,  there wouldn’t have been a Corvair in the first place 
without a lot of  individual people’s efforts as well. That effort, and the reality 
of the design  and production of the Corvair is what CPF is all about. Another 
reason that I  view the Corsa/CPF relationship as a marriage is that there 
are disagreements.  Sometimes, the “Car” focus of CPF and the “People” focus 
of Corsa can cause  conflicting goals. A reasonable example is the display of 
CPF property. CPF  looks at a display as a method of engendering interest in 
the Corvair car, so  that the Museum and the archives can gain more interest 
within the automotive  world, and, perhaps more contributions, both monetary and 
data, for the  archives, but has to protect the Corvair memorabilia.  Corsa 
looks at display of the CPF  property as a way to gain interest in Corsa, and 
maybe increase membership in  the society. Of course sometimes an effort, like 
the display of the Super Monza,  can reward both goals, but not always. That 
day-to-day, or, at least  year-to-year juggling of the Corsa/CPF balance is just 
one thing that makes life  on the Corsa/CPF Board of directors interesting.  
(end  of column quote)
So  there is good reasoning  behind the perceived "conflict" both in 
attention  and dollars. Corvair people need to keep the future of both in mind. Corsa, 
as a  "current member" organization should be responsible for the future of 
Corsa. We  need to make sure there is a Communique coming every month and a 
Convention each  year for the foreseeable future. (And insurance, etc.) That cost 
should not be  born except by dues and Corsa income, such as merchandise 
sales. Sponsors are  okay, but donations, although appreciated, should be looked 
at for  "intent". If someone wants to perpetuate the memory of John Q. Member, 
who loved  his Corvair and the concept/heritage of the Corvair, (through a 
donation)  that money should go to CPF, because that is the heritage of the 
Corvair car. If  someone loved the Concours competition so much that they wanted to 
support it at  the Convention each year, that money should go to Corsa 
because it is people  oriented. 
For  CPF, we all need to take the longer view. As you may see in an upcoming  
"Directors Turn", efforts are being made to help fund CPF through car  
oriented donations. I hope that this will inspire folks to remember both the car  
and the Corsa organization.  
Of  course, all of the above is only my opinion! - Seth Emerson 

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