<VV> Fwd: Roger Smith - update

Louis Armer carmerjr at mindspring.com
Thu Dec 27 16:25:39 EST 2007

Roger Smith is a longtime Corvair Atlanta member. Roger is diabetic 
so his recovery may be more complicated than
the normal heart bypass patient. Roger doesn't do emails and I 
suspect that you need to wait a bit before trying his
home phone. He is in Corsa and his home address in the Corsa 
Directory is correct.

Roger Smith
3738 Lakeland Road
or PO Box 392
Gainesville, Georgia

The text below is from our Good Samaritans, Les and Sylvia Campbell 
who have been Roger's lifelines during this ordeal.
Chuck Armer


>On Wednesday the 19th Roger was released from the hospital in 
>Gainesville and came down to Alpharetta to the Campbell house for 
>re-cooperation, we thought!
>Early Friday morning he started having chest pains and swelling in 
>his lower right leg. We called the paramedics and transported him to 
>North Fulton Regional Hospital where they ran about every test 
>possible, especially checking for a blood clot. They found none but 
>admitted him for observation. By Saturday afternoon the chest pains 
>were gone and the leg had gone down, so he was released and we took 
>him back to or house.
>Sunday afternoon and night he started having severe nausea and by 
>daylight Monday morning, after talking to his daughter, we decided 
>to take him to the Heart Center at Northwest Georgia Medical Center 
>in Gainesville. Shortly after we arrived he started going down 
>drastically with his pulse going to 190 and his blood pressure 
>dropping dangerously low. It took a room full of doctors and nurses 
>about an hour to get him stabilized.
>Tuesday morning while in the hospital he had another similar episode 
>with his heart beat going extremely high.
>Wednesday morning they did a procedure which kills a nerve on top of 
>the heart which causes it to race and the blood pressure to drop.
>I spoke to him earlier this morning and he seems to be feeling much 
>better and thinks he may be able to go home tomorrow. The men's 
>Sunday School Class at The First Baptist Church in Gainesville are 
>going to take turns sitting with him until he can stay by himself.
>Keep him in your prayers. It is evident that he was much worse than 
>anyone ever imagined and will take several months to be back to himself.
>Roger's home phone number is (770) 532-7615 for those who wish to 
>call after he gets home.
>Les Campbell


CORSA Tri-membership Chairman
CORSA Member
Corvanatics Member
Corvair Atlanta Director
SECC Member
1965 Corsa Coupe
1964 Greenbrier
1965 Corsa Autocross car 1/2 owner

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