<VV> First extended drive (addendum)

James Davis jld at wk.net
Fri Jul 6 12:40:47 EDT 2007

Could be several causes.  Most likely is a improperly adjusted TV rod 
or the idle speed too high.   The low band could be improperly 
adjusted.  There could be a leak in the vacuum line to the modulator 
or a bad modulator diaphragm.  The vacuum modulator valve could be 
sticking .    If the Powerglide has been rebuilt someone could have 
left out or installed the down-shift timing valve, 
upside-down.  Lastly, sticking valves in the valve body could cause 
harsh closed throttle downshifts .
Jim Davis

At 08:41 AM 7/6/2007, Stephen Upham wrote:
>Oh, I forgot one thing.  As I come to a stop, the PG downshifts like
>a horse is kicking the back of the car, but not every time (70% of
>the time?).  Ideas?
>Stephen Upham

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