<VV> Shock absorber question.....General

Gary Swiatowy mopar at jbcs2.net
Sun Jul 22 12:33:50 EDT 2007

I had some NORS, new old replacement stock shock absorbers I was going to 
install on one of my non-Corvairs.
I removed the original 34 year old shock from the car and went to install 
the replacement. I extended the replacement to its full length, and felt 
what I expected to be the proper resistance. But then I tried compressing 
this shock and found virtually no resistance at all????????
Tried it several times, tried its mate and found the same thing.
The original 34 year year old shock I had removed from the car had 
resistance in both direction which I would assume to be a normal dampening 
effect. I put the original back on.
So my question is........Do new shocks go bad just from sitting?????

I have a few NORS Corvair shocks as well. Are they going to be junk?

Anyone ever had this happen to them, or am I thinking things out 

Gary Swiatowy 

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